frameworkThe YOUCEE Conference is a continuation of the Airborne International Youth Conference (AIYC), an annual event, which has been held since 2001 in response to the special request of the Arnhem veterans, who consider the youth conference to be a “Bridge to the Future”. In close co-operation with the Arnhem International School, the AIYC successfully organized this conference up to 2013. The vision of expanding the conference in 2014 (for the 70th commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem), has gained support from the European Union which has agreed to subsidize the conference with a substantial grant for 2014. The award of this grant is in relation to the YOUCEE name (YOUth Conference commEmoration across bordErs) , which will henceforth be used instead of AIYC. YOUCEE will be able to host approximately 60 students and teachers from the September 16th to 22nd 2024
The 2024 YOUCEE Conference invites students from several European countries to the Netherlands to reflect on and discuss topics like war, peace, justice and international cooperation. The Battle of Arnhem (17th – 26th September 1944) is the starting point and the students will get ample information about the actual battle in museum visits and battlefield tours.
The focus will be on the interaction between students as they learn about the achievements of Europe since 1944. What is life like in Europe in 2024, how do we perceive ourselves within the European borders and institutions of the modern day, what lessons have we learned from the Second World War and how do we apply them to life today? This international youth platform provides an opportunity for expressing personal ideas, opinions and views in a multi-cultural setting and a relaxed atmosphere. The highlight will be the contributions towards, and attendance at the commemoration ceremonies on 20th, 21st and 22nd of September. Educational packages will be distributed in all the participating countries and will be used to prepare for the conference. YOUcee organisation
Contact Airborne International Youth Conference Foundation (YOUCEE) Oude Lunterseweg 28 6718 WP Ede [email protected] |